Whatever differences of race, religion and history may exist among people all over the world, we are always one, in that human kind has been wishing to realize peace and happiness. Idaki Shin has acknowledged at the core of human beings the innate energy for realizing peace, and his music is its artistic expression. Thus a spectator is sure to feel the vast dimension within oneself, supreme happiness, the world of eternity, the universal nature of mankind and love. This is the dynamic energy that encourages mankind to overcome any difficulties and to realize peace. The internality of man determines his outer environment so when one is filled with love and happiness from within, peace shall be realized. NPO KOMA has started to organize the series of global scale peace concerts from the year 2001. The first event was entitled Cosmic Manifesto in Ethiopia. The ambassador of Ethiopia to Japan at that time delivered his message worldwide, saying that the sound of Idaki Shin is uniting the earth with the vast universe, thus unifying all human beings regardless of race, religions and political borders.
This concert was held at the original source of humankind, Ethiopia, and commemorated the beginning of a new history of mankind filled with love. In the year 2003, Torch of Peace concert was held at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania as the official cultural program of SADC summit gathering. In the year 2004 Idaki Shin Persepolis concert was held and ended in great success in Iran. And this year we are heading for the concert entitled as Legends of Koguryo concert in Lebanon as the significant step forward to realize peace all over the world.
In 1971 he began a professional career as a specialist in social welfare. For a period of 8 years he worked in one of the most advanced homes for the aged in Tokyo, where he planned and implemented a new life-care system. This provided the basis for various official services and facilities that can be seen in operation today.
From around the age of 20, he pursued studies into the fundamental questions of human life, such as what is the true meaning of health, and how one can liberate oneself from burdens and exercise one's own creativity, etc. At the age of 35, he discovered a way to recover the original function of life common to all human beings. At a later stage of his unique investigation, he discovered how to do this through piano improvisation, and has given 1209 concerts throughout Japan and various countries as of Jan. 2020. These have provided audiences the opportunity to experience the immanent beauty of life and to regain the vitality to pave a way for the future.
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